Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Productive Time Suck

I bet a few of you can guess what this post is about. Yep,


It is perhaps the most productive time suck I've experienced in awhile. The most relevant way to keep track of so many things in your life. It's a virtual pinboard (or binder, magnet board, bedroom wall, refrigerator door, paper file, etc) that lives on your computer/phone/ipad (OMG, thank you Joe for winning one of those at work and giving it to me for Christmas!!!!!!!!!). A tidy virtual place where you can store (using very little computer memory) crafty ideas, remodeling inspiration, recipes, wish lists, etc.

In addition to being a virtual pinboard for my organically found items, it also allows me to tap into the work of everyone else. Basically, there are hundreds of thousands of people searching the internet for ideas and inspiration, and I can then find people who's ideas/style I like and follow them. I get to tap into the work so many internet surfers and creatives are doing and create a curated collection for myself (with less of my time spent surfing). This little invention has already saved me a bunch of times when I've needed new ideas to keep the boys busy in the house. And I've got so many additional ideas saved for upcoming holidays and more.

The one little problem with Pinterest for folks like myself is that I want to DO ALL OF THE IDEAS I SEE. TODAY. My "to-do" list is never ending and the trouble is that it's all fun stuff. I've been trying to steer my efforts towards collecting remodeling ideas for when this Schuster family decides it's time to build up or out. That way they aren't things I want to do, but rather ideas I want to have implemented in our new house.

Anyway, I heard an amazing stat about Pinterest from my friend Greta. Although I don't know the source, nor do I remember exactly what the stat was, it's something to this effect. Last week Pinterest had more "consumer transactions" (think posts, searches, etc) than Facebook had. While this blows my mind (because Facebook is just so pervasive), it thrills me. People, including myself, are now using their once "mindless" time to search out creative ideas, share them, do them, and THEN Facebook about them.

Give it a try if you haven't. I swear you'll be addicted within a week.


  1. Love Pinterest! I've decided that for my crafty ideas, I am going to make a "Pinterest Plan" on the 1st of every month and figure out what I want to do for that month, because otherwise the ideas are so overwhelmingly excited I just will keep gathering more ideas and never do them!

  2. Great minds think alike! I was just telling Joe I am doing the weekly pinterest challenge - actually do one pin a week (doesn't matter whether it's a craft, recipe, etc). that way i will be sure to keep this habit productive. i started a separate page on my blog to help keep me honest (and share the pins I've done). next up i plan to make the doily lamp - let me know if you need some wallpaper glue. i might even have an extra doily...
