Spring cleaning has begun in our house and it manifested itself as a good crop of Max's hair. He's been asking to cut his hair even shorter, so I figured I'd just have him tag along to my next hair appointment and do it then. It's been 4 months since my last hair appointment, so he's been asking for awhile and I've been unstyled for awhile.
At the salon he doesn't want his hair washed. I tell him he's totally missing out on the.best.part.of.a.haircut. But he doesn't bite, so Natalie uses a spray bottle and chops away. I like the results. A lot. Even more now that it's been a couple days.
And I've learned that if you cut his hair, but he chooses to wear a dress, they kind of cancel each other out and he still looks pretty darn pretty.
Oh, and don't go all JCrew on me.
They've got nothing on me and my Max & Otto. "Lucky for me..." I ended up with boys whose favorite color was pink and favorite book was Pinkalicious! for quite awhile, wear their little sister's dresses & bows, talk about their feelings, exclaim when their beds are "so cuddly and snuggly" and ask for long hair and ponies.
Because in a blink of an eye they've changed their favorite colors to green and blue, ask for Batman tattoos, ask for ANOTHER truck to play with, pretend to smash [anything] into pieces so they can show me their superhero powers, want their jeans, Bob the Builder t-shirt and holy tenners back on, and want their hair cut "short and spiky like Daddy's"!
Holy smokes. Max looks sooooo much like Joe with that new haircut. And that dress picture is one for the baby book for sure!!