Friday, November 1, 2013

Three of My Three

I've logged on to my blog, after a quarter of the year away, to put some thoughts and pictures down on "paper" from Wren's 2nd Birthday.

And I stumbled upon this draft from June.  

Remember when I used to post three pics of my three kids?  A bit foggy of a memory for me, too.  

Anyway, three of my three from over three months ago...

It really wasn't this bad, but I love it because it looks like it was. Wren saying "Dear God, Help Me!" 

No.  Wren should not be in this apparatus.  If fact, she could tip the thing over with herself in it.  But her baby cousin, Dash, wanted in - so of course she did too.

I hadn't been to a Fleet Farm in decades.  I had no idea how much I missed it!  If it were 25 miles closer to our house it might just rival Costco as my favorite store.  I am determined to go to their Toy Land this Christmas.

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