Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Three of My Three

God bless professional photographers. I will always treasure the perfectly lit, beautiful portraits that Eydie takes of our family.

BUT, for the million moments that make up my every day, I can't beat my own snapshots.

I mean, the dog hair on ugly fleece cozy pants, all three of them with their eyes closed (repeatedly!), hugs that border on "should I put down the camera to make sure Wren's ok," the underwear (Fridays are usually "underwear" day here, except for when I make them put on clothes for our Costco run), the look in Wren's eyes asking "how much longer? i can't take these boys any more," and the three of them piled in a bed.

Yes, God bless the professionals once a year when photographing our kids. And God bless me and my three all other days.

1 comment:

  1. I love them all in blue and esp Otto's shirt! And I much prefer underwear day to jeans day. In fact, you might be on to something - just think of the cash people would donate to charity for the opportunity to wear underwear to work on Fridays instead of plain old jeans!? Like the Lee Jeans Day except colder. I think its a winner!
