I have a friend - my most international friend, most giving friend, funnest, free-est, most adventurous friend - Christy. And fitting of all aforementioned descriptors, she visited recently and gave me a "life gift" (her terminology...clearly making shit up in order to give me a gift even though I warned her not to, that I had not had a moment to get her a Christmas gift or "life gift."). But, since I'm getting older and wiser, I am learning to accept gifts when someone gives them to me. Love them and bask in them and take them for all they're worth.
When she gifts me an astrology session with Omesh over in Koh Samui, Thailand, I am not the least bit surprised. I am ready to learn about the stars and the moons and the suns and the planets that are swirling about creating my very own astrological "life map" (as if it isn't messy enough already with myself and my kids and my husband and my hobbies and my career!).
So here I am last night feeling very international, Skyping Omesh, where in Thailand it's actually tomorrow. (Max was utterly confused when he came out of his bedroom and saw the odd looking man talking to me from the iPad - suddenly I felt a bit less international and a bit more "Wizard of Oz"). My excitement outweighs my nervousness. Really, what can Omesh possibly tell me that I don't already know?
As Christy says, he's paid to tell us good news, so that's what I got. Remarkable, however, is how accurate Omesh was to how I would describe myself, as well as what I consider my "personal truths" to be. All of his insights are hinged on what's going on astrologically, based on just a few pieces of information about me:
Birth Date: June 13, 1978
Birth Time: 12:33pm
Birth Location: Marinette, Wisconsin
It's kind of fun to think that his insights are only about me. Unless there was another baby born at exactly the same time as me in Marinette (which might be a fun challenge for my "detective mind" to tackle), his reading is unique.
General Personality Info
This was a big theme Omesh shared throughout our session. Communication is my strength, particularly gaining information and then sharing it with others. I wanted to abruptly stop him and negate basis a 4-year history of diminishing communication skills with toddlers, but I decided to roll with it - probably best not to shut him down in our opening minutes together. Omesh explained that as I obtain information, it's like I'm being nurtured. I feed myself through information gathering and enjoy passing it on to others. I have a detective mind and am an accurate communicator. He sees me talking in front of large groups of people. I see myself throwing up just thinking about talking in front of large groups of people. But in all seriousness, this trait has always stood out as a strength. And when I question whether or not I truly am a good communicator (again, most days with my kids and recently most of my days at the office - pre Wren - have made me think otherwise), it's nice to be assured by a total stranger reading the stars from the other side of the earth.
Continuous Improvement.
God, I hate to title this section "Continuous Improvement" (I fear I might be jinxing what position the General places me in upon my return to work), but it truly encapsulates all he shared next about me. He spent some time talking about the difference between being a perfectionist and being in search of a perfect form. Apparently I am the latter, and while it may sound like splitting hairs, there is a keen distinction and one that I absolutely agree with. I enjoy the process of making things better, or more perfect, without the need to have them perfect. I will find something or do something and I have a desire to make it a little bit better, and a little bit better, and a little bit better. This is because I thrive while in constant transformation. He believes my whole life is a transformation...a kinder, gentler way of saying what some might call "flighty." But hold on just a minute! He also stated several times that "when I want something; when it's one of my "truths," I am unstoppable. I am very disciplined and will get to my end." Not so flighty when it actually matters to me!
Authenticity, Possibility & Wonder.
According to the astrologer, I easily go to a place of wonder. From each picture I'm presented, I see all the possibilities that exist. I have a good sense of beauty and art. I long for an experience of one-ness. One of my "truths" is my desire to be authentically who I am - and doing it for me, not for others (selfish, huh?!). He also confirmed that I am a very sensitive person...I sense other's feelings and therefore feel what others are feeling.
What My Future Holds
The above are merely Omesh's take on what my personality is and tendencies are. Of course I was excited (& here's where the nervousness comes in) to hear about what my future holds. What could he tell me about my fate by looking out into the universe and connecting the dots that make up my constellation?
For starters, he said that things in general are a bit more challenging now through September. He said that while finances are tighter, there seems to be something that's helping me along. Yes, Omesh, taking a 6-month maternity leave while keeping two kids in part-time daycare is making our finances tighter right now. And that thing that's helping me along...that's this family's very loving and very supportive husband and dad. I'm trying to earn my keep. And though he said that long term I needn't be terribly worried about finances - that I'll always be fine - this didn't sell Joe on my request to become just a full-time Housewife of Lot 10 Linden Grove.
The great news, though, is that after mid-September, I will see the world in a different color. Come 2013 & 2014, everything will be good, lucky, easy. To borrow the words from Omesh & Christy, 2013 is the "Year of Summer!"
Speaking of lucky, he said that 90% of my life I just happen to be luckier than other people. I immediately had two questions, but bit my tongue again for fear of what his response might have been. First, have I already lived that "unlucky" 10% of my life? And second, isn't whether or not I'm lucky or unlucky just a state of mind? ...I run, therefore I'm a runner. I write, therefore I'm a writer. I think I'm lucky, therefore I have luck.
He suggested I might want to wait until late 2012 if I'm considering a career shift as it would be met with fewer hurdles than doing so before then. He sees me doing something different than my current jig in Integrated Communications. He believes I am meant to be a healer of some kind. Perhaps in the health or nutrition sector. And he sees me being very powerful and influential talking, to large groups. Possibly on a stage, more likely on TV. This worries me because video killed the radio star and the internet's going to kill the video star, so I'm not sure I should put all my eggs in that basket. If I do, however, I like the idea of being the next Jillian Michaels of Biggest Loser fame. Only nicer (I hear, first hand, that she's a real bitch).
There you have it. My life in a nutshell, all based on my birth date. And to think I started, in my mom's words, as "a little indigestion" following her lunch. There was so much more than just a little indigestion delivered at 12:33pm on June 13th!
For those of you who've made it this far, I realize it's been a self-indulgent post. However, I just love the introspection that comes with hearing from others about one's personality. I'm still amazed at so much of what Omesh shared with me. Some of the specific words he used have been words that I too have choosen...you know, in corporate settings when I've needed to describe myself in one word. A decade ago I choose "Authentic" as my word for some team building off-site. A different time I was nick-named "Lucky" during one of my Sales stints. There were just enough coincidences that I may consider Skyping again with Omesh to see what else is written in the stars for me.
awwww, thanks for the shout out. Omesh nailed you! hahaha. Keep going after those Summer truths and knocking them outta the park.