While the kids were playing the other night I decided to grab my phone and attempt to grab some photos of them. They were tumbling on the bed, so it wasn't a very fruitful session.
In the interest of trying to get the three of them at least not all blurry, I said "A Hershey Kiss with a blob of peanut butter on top for anyone who stops bouncing and lets me snap a couple photos." As you can see, Max promptly sat and gave a forced smile. Wren slowed down and briefly thought about it. Otto couldn't take his mind off wondering why I had put in him in a size 12 month swim speedo (we were trying on suits).
Here's Max trying to pull his brother and sister in for a photo so they could all have a Hershey Kiss.
Wren was like "I'm outta here because I know I'm getting a Kiss no matter how long I sit still."
Alright. These few are the best I got.
I love how much they all resemble each other.
Maybe not triplets, but they sure look similar.
Then I said "Thanks, Kisses coming up!" And they were back to bouncing!
Love the bikini!!!