Thursday, February 7, 2013


Since last December Joe and I have been scheduling special 1:1 time with the kids each week.  So, every weekend Joe gets 1:1 time with one of the kids, then the next weekend I get 1:1 with one of the kids.  It's a cycle ensuring that every 6 weeks both of us have had 1:1 time with each child. 

As I write this I know it does not sound like a lot of "special" time, but trust me, it's already made a world of difference. Part of it is just knowing I will have a special date I get to plan every other weekend for one of the kids.  A chance to reconnect and meet the child where he or she is at rather than having to try and make everyone happy.  Plus, having only two kids while Joe's on a date with one kid is also a very nice treat.  When all is said and done, both Joe and I are getting a chance to experience the kids in a variety of different "combinations" from solo to Max&Otto, Max&Wren, Otto&Wren.

Earlier this week I was driving the kids to school and my conversation with Max went something like this:

Max:  "Mom, you know when you and Daddy have your time outs?"

Me:  "I'm not sure I know what you mean.  Are you asking if Daddy and I have to take time-outs (every parent wishes they could!)?

Max:  "No, I mean when Daddy and I have a time out.  When we take our time-outs together.  When will Daddy and I have our next time out together?"

I love it.  From now on they are not 1:1's.  They are Time-Outs!

At my last Time-Out with Max.  Paint your own pottery

Followed by Yogurt[lab], which I highly recommend! 
It's so much fun to spoil each kid with something they want to do!!

1 comment:

  1. Filing this under 'things to steal with pride' for when we get a little older in our house. :)
