Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Just In Time For Thanksgiving

Max and I left daycare very late tonight...closed the place down! I got there and Max and his friend Paige were having a ton of fun, so I spent some time chatting with one of Max's teachers and got lots of updates on what he's enjoying doing and learning at school these days.

As were were heading out of daycare, I realized it was past Max's usual dinner time, I had nothing prepared at home and Joe was gone hunting. This trifecta apparently causes the Golden Arches to instantly appear in my mind. Off to get a Happy Meal we go!

As we're sitting down at the dinner table at home, I unwrap Max's burger, he looks at it and says "Thank you God, Amen." Looks up at me and again says "Amen!" a little bit louder.

I'm glad Max is learning both to be thankful and to appreciate the most delicious cheeseburger available!