Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Bustin' at the Seams

When Max was little it used to be more common to have "rough" nights, when he'd wake often. The times he did sleep soundly all night we'd try to replicate everything we could possibly remember from the day before to help ensure another perfect night (eating time, eating amount, nap times & length, pj’s worn, etc). Note to Mom & Dad for the next baby...it never mattered!

Now that Max is older, when he doesn't sleep soundly at night we rack our brains to think of what caused the odd bad night.

So when Max woke at 5am one morning we thought “did he have too much to drink before bed and wet through, is a new tooth coming in, etc etc”

Joe went in to check on him and get him back to sleep, and when he comes out of Max's room, I ask if he has any idea why Max woke so early.

Joe said the zipper on Max's pajamas split. Max was literally bustin at the seams!

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