Thursday, February 28, 2013

What's In A Name: IPA

Let's start at the very beginning, shall we.

Eight years ago this month Joe and I decided to get a puppy.  One day we talked about how we liked the idea of getting a puppy.  And a week later Joe and one of his buddies had found a breeder with a dog expecting a litter anytime (March 16th or 17th is IPA's birthday...but I'll save the story about the confusion over her exact birth day for another time). By early May we were driving to Northern Minnesota to select a 6-week old puppy out of the litter to bring home as our pet. 

Here she is!  All tiny and cute and nippy and scratchy.  She's always had just a little of a slightly pointy bump on the top of her head, ears either drooping down, perked up or tipped back a bit.

She was the runt of the litter.  Joe's buddy actually got the largest male dog from the litter and we got the tiniest female dog of the litter - not planned and unknown until after we had each selected the dog we wanted from the litter.  At adult size IPA is between 50-55 pounds and Rigby (Joe's buddy's dog, IPA's brother) is nearly 100 pounds.  It's fun to see them play together.

About her totally perfect-for-her name, IPA.  For those unsure of how to say that, we pronounce it "Ip-pah," but always spell it IPA.  IPA is a type of beer, India Pale Ale.  We never call her "India Pale Ale" or "I. P. A." or any variation other than IPA (Ip-pah) or Ip. 

As soon as I knew we were getting a dog, of course I excitedly started suggesting names for our future pooch.  We both have lots of hobbies, but since the puppy was going to be (mostly) "Joe's dog," I narrowed in on his hobbies of hunting (of course, since the puppy was going to become a trained hunting dog), woodworking, cooking and brewing beer for name inspiration.  

When I suggested IPA, I pronounced it by saying "I" "P" "A," but quickly said I think pronouncing it "Ip-pah" would be perfect.  IPA beer is generally light in color, but has a potent alcohol content...or feisty.  IPA would prove to be both of these things - she's a very light colored yellow lab and she's definitely a little feisty.  

*Funny side story.  My friend Christy, who is more of a bubbly than a beer type person, once ordered an "Ip-pah" while out to dinner with me.  So endearing, her enthusiasm for "drinking to IPA" and literally asking a waitress to bring her whatever Ip-pah they have on tap.  

**Another side story.  I love the name Clover for a puppy too (Clover is also a crafty brand-name, so fits with my hobbies).  Six week old puppies are ridiculously cute, and saying "Roll over Clover" is the icing on the cake when watching a puppy wriggle, trying to roll over.  

When IPA was little, this is how she would sleep.  In fact, sometimes she still sleeps half off her dog bed (but that might be because, up until a few days ago, her bed was too tiny for her...).

See?  You can see the little pointy bump on the top of her head here, too.

There was a time when IPA was the "baby" of the house.  Here she is wearing the baby bib and ankle rattles that were sent to us when we found out we were expecting a baby.  


I was going to make this post about how we recently lost IPA and found her.  But this is going to be a "To Be Continued..." post.  I need a little sleep (who am I kidding; I need some Girl Scout cookies and junk TV), so I'm signing off for tonight. In the coming days look another IPA story.

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