Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Our Merry Christmas Tree

Since all three kids were born they've inquired about chopping down our own Christmas tree, but Joe and I have found it much, much easier to just pick up a nice, cost-effective tree during one of our weekly Costco trips.  However, this year we figured it best to take advantage of the fact that all the kids can independently dress themselves in their winter gear (next Christmas we'll have a baby again) and head out to cut our own.  

Additionally, one of my photographer colleagues lives right near a tree farm, and since I've always wanted family pictures cutting down a tree we decided to do it.  Granted, there was virtually no snow to speak of, and the day we choose wound up being frigid and incredibly windy, but that just encouraged us to pile on the layers and pick the first tree we found!

Below I've posted a handful of the photos from cutting down our tree.  You'll see a disproportionate amount of photos of Max...he was genuinely thrilled to cut down the tree and help out any way possible.  

Max our Lumberjack

Ever since Max was a toddler he's enjoyed chopping wood while we camp (& generally using an ax for any kind of assistance Joe needs).  A couple years ago at his Pre-School graduation the teachers shared what each child said they'd like to be when they grow up, and Max said a lumberjack.  Despite the frigid temps when we cut down our tree, Max wasn't deterred and was ready to live up the experience!


Otto, who I say is hot-blooded like Joe, was frozen at the tree farm.  He actually looks purple in some of the photos, which come to think of it, isn't all that odd (I've got quite a few pics of him at the pool, shivering and with a purple tinge, but regardless of how he looks, he always says he's warm enough). Not chopping down the tree, though - he was cold!!


When we arrived at the tree farm and opened our car doors to unload the kids, she said "Shut the door, I don't want to go out."  Very cold.  We coaxed her out, reminding her we'd only be outside for 5-10 minutes.  Once outside she pulled her hat over her face and wanted to stay like that.

A few more photos from our excursion...

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