Saturday, August 11, 2012

Wren's 1st Tooth. HF&M. 1st "Haircut."

Thursday, August 9th was quite the trifecta for Wren.

At Noon I noticed her first tooth (lower left) had cut through.

Around 2pm I noticed bumps all over her feet/toes. I thought they were warts that suddenly appeared. After double checking with Joe, Jamie, Diane and our Pediatrician, she was diagnosed with a big case of Hand, Foot & Mouth.

And then at 6pm after getting back from a walk around Calhoun & Isles, I went to get her ready for a bath and had to give her her 1st hair cut. Her hair had wrapped around the button and loop closure on the back of her shirt. It was so snarled and knotted that I had to cut her hair in order to get the shirt off of her. Not much hair was lost, but I insisted on Joe snapping pictures of this sad event. Snagged hair, her tooth, or the HF&M must have been the culprit for her crying while out on our walk.

*P.S. - I am soooo bummed. I totally meant to save the little snip of hair that was tangled around her button and I forgot. Her shirt got tossed in the wash machine without me noticing it. It wasn't until I was pulling it out of the washer after it was washed that I got a pit in my stomach because I lost her 1st cut of hair. Not to worry - plenty of hair for a 2nd cut. Someday. Considering it took me 3 years to cut my boy's hair, there's no telling how long it'll take me for my girl's hair!!!

1 comment:

  1. awwww...loads of hair for a haircut blog in the future!
