Sunday, May 13, 2012

The New Construction Paper & Glue

Every day I experience little moments of "How can I possibly be 33 years old? I mean, that is old! Like when did I get married, have three kids and a sign up for a mortgage old." And then I have just as many moments of feeling like I'm still 22 years old. Because I am still in my young twenties, right? I find time to do my hobbies (barely), I still get carded when I want to buy a 6-pack (most of the time) and I use the swings, slides and monkey bars at the park (not always to chase after my kids).

And then there are those ever fleeting moments that put you squarely back in Kindergarten. The other night, as I packaged up a homemade gift to send my mom for mother's day, I had a very powerful out-of-body experience. I totally felt like I was a young girl because I had just made my mom a gift, by hand, for her special day. Except now my sewing needle and thread had replaced construction paper and glue. And while I was so excited to give it to her, the 33 year old in me was kind of squashing my enthusiasm because the homemade gift I sewed for my mom was a bit wretched.

I made her a little fabric quilted basket and a "mug rug." It was not one of my best works of art...

It was fun to make because it contained a lot of Firsts. First time attempting quilting - a very basic diamond pattern, but it contained batting and stitching, thus I guess it's considered quilting. First time having my needle fall out of my machine while sewing. Literally, the needle just plopped right out of the shank and fell onto the fabric. Needle back in position, I went on sewing only to have the needle break on me for the First and Second times in my extensive sewing career:) First time using bias tape on the edges of a project. Clearly I need to YouTube how I'm supposed to do that. First time sewing while incredibly exhausted and a little tipsy. Maybe that was the real issue.

In any event, back to the out-of-body Kindergarten experience. This was the first time I made something to give someone and doubted whether or not I should actually give it to them. In Kindergarten I never noticed if what I made wasn't beautiful - it always seemed like it was at the time. But after making these two things I was a bit hesitant given the greater amount of imperfection than usual.

Of course I did send it to her. And of course she did say she LOVED it. How could she not... I made that little pocket on the mug rug the perfect size to hold a Milano cookie next to the spot where she'll place her cup of coffee.

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