Sunday, June 24, 2012

{belated} Father's Day

"A truly rich man is one who's children run into his arms when his hands are empty."
- Anonymous

If this is true, then Joe's struck it rich, hit the jackpot and should be on Forbes' Wealthiest Fathers list. Because all three of our kids run into his arms when well as when they are incredibly full. While making dinner, consoling a sibling or building something, just by way of example.

Everytime I read this quote I sense their are two meanings to it, and I have to admit that I'm not sure if it's intended to have dual meaning. And if so, I'm not sure which meaning is the more commonly accepted one. Does it mean that a man is rich if, literally, his children yearn to be held by him when he's around and his arms are empty and able to hold the kids. Or does it mean that a man is rich, even if financially poor, when his children run to him? Maybe that's the same meaning. Anyway...

Lucky for our entire family, Joe is one of those really, really good dads that always has his arms wide open for the kids. When making dinner and Max wants to help, Joe's offering him a job to do. When building something and Otto is curious, Joe's handing him a tool and teaching him how to use it. When busy with the boys and Wren starts fussing, Joe's scooping her up and bringing her into the mix.

The kids are all a top priority for Joe and he makes sure they know it. I firmly believe that because he's so willing to open his arms for them, they all adore him and will always run to him.

But let's be clear here. It's not always rainbows and butterflies. It's somewhere between that and finding a diamond in the ruff or the silver lining to a rain cloud many of the days. Because as fiercely as kids (toddlers & pre-schooler's, anyway) love you one moment, they can despise you the next moment (or maybe it's the moms and dad's that have such fierce dichotomy's).

And we had one of those mornings on Father's Day where I wanted the kids to be on their extra good behavior, but they were a bit cranky (perhaps not the smartest idea for me to hold off on feeding them breakfast until the coffee cake was made). It's tough any day when the boys are "emotional," and even more so on a day devoted to showing Joe what a great dad he is. Nothing a good nap can't help turn around. Following that, the boy's moods vastly improved and Joe got some good quality time - doing what he does best with them...playing!

Otto loves playing his "lacing game" with Joe and they both loved getting to take a ride on the chair inside our living room...yay for rearranging furniture!

As a little token of their love for Joe, Max and Otto each filled out an "All About Daddy" note, answering a variety of questions (his eyes are ___, he weighs ___, his favorite food is ___, my favorite thing about daddy is ___). They did them separately so they couldn't hear each other's responses, but not too surprising, for the question "Daddy likes to go to ___" they both answered "Hawaii." While that is true, I think their answers may be more telling of where the boys have been and want to go back to on vacation.

For a gift they (ok, I) made a roadway "back rub" shirt.

Happy {belated} Father's Day to all the dad's out there! I know I do not just speak for Joe when I say this...

What a hugely important role you play (and play so well) in our kid's lives. A role that has expanded vastly in the past generations. In addition to working outside the home, you are more involved than ever at home, our kid's schools and extracurriculars. Cooking, cleaning, shopping; while still handling the major house repairs and more. You're on your hands and knees playing with the kids, reading bedtime stories, doing daycare drop-off and pick-up, staying home from work with sick little ones, and making sure mama gets a break too. Our world is blessed to have so many wonderful dad role models out there.

Joe, you hold a very, very special place in this family's heart.

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