Friday, June 8, 2012

Cute Things They Say: Backwards Underwear

"Write it down." The advice for so many things.

Goals you want to attain; write it down.
Foods you want to cut out of your diet; write it down.
Groceries you need to remember to get; write it down.
Cute things kids say you don't want to forget; write it down.

There have been times my kids say something so funny or cute or memorable that I can't imagine ever forgetting their quip. But then again, they say so many remarkable things, that I assume it's just funny to me, or their dad or close in why write it down?

Why? Because these entries are my memories. An extension of my kid's baby books. My mental post-it note that helps contain the thoughts my mind is overflowing with. Tidbits of our life. I better write them down.

Max said something awhile back. Something, at the time, that I thought was so hilarious I'd never forget it. And yet I forgot about it. This fleeting story bounced back into my memory a week ago while reading this post (you'll have to read to the end to see the connection).


I'm in the bathroom with Max as he's going to the bathroom (pee, standing up). I, again, notice that he has his underwear on backwards. I've noticed this trend for at least a week now but haven't asked him about it.

Either my curiosity was killing me, or the synapses in my brain finally starting connecting, and I just had to know.

"Max, I've noticed you've been wearing your underwear backwards recently."

"Yeah!" (a bit too excited of a "Yeah!" than I was expecting. Uh, oh.)

"Well, why are you wearing them backwards?"

"Oh, because I can scratch my bottom easier (pulling up his underwear to show me). See, my finger can go right in the penis hole when they're on backwards and I can scratch my bottom."

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